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Jay Sowerby photograph for Ask Jay!

About Ask Jay!

Hello, I’m Jay, your friendly Isle of Wight handyman.

After years serving in the Royal Navy and working on oil rigs, I decided that I wanted to sp​end more time at home on the Island with my growing family.

Whilst in the Navy, I served onboard the Royal Yacht Britannia, which taught me the  importance of service, respect,  and reliability.

More recently, my work on oil rigs and in training centres around the world, showed me that professionalism is a very important attribute.

I am an accredited member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and I hold an Isle of Wight Waste Carriers Licence.

So in July 2020 I set up Ask Jay! a local handyman service, providing friendly, reliable and professional services to people around the Island.

Generally I work on my own, but if the need arises I can call on others to complete jobs on time.

I hope I can offer you the quality of service you are looking for together with value for money.

So don’t delay, Ask Jay!!

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